Linking IRPJ to tax collection creates insecurity in the business environment

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Bruno Sartori, partner at Mello Torres, spoke with Brazilian legal broadcast Jota about the insecurity in the business environment created by the link between the regressive tax rates of the Corporate Income Tax (“IRPJ”) and the federal government’s tax revenues. This content is only available in Portuguese, to know more about the Brazilian Tax Reform,… Read more »

Administrative sanctions for violations of the LGPD come into force

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Since August 1st, 2021, Articles 52, 53 and 54 of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”), which establish administrative sanctions for violations to the Law, are enforceable. In accordance with Article 52, the following sanctions are provided: warning, with indication of a term for adoption of corrective measures; fine of up to two percent… Read more »

Digital work relationships also require ethics

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Matheus Cantarella Vieira, head of our Labor and Employment, was interviewed by Hoje em Dia on Record TV to comment on labor relations throughout tech tools and precautions to be adopted by employees and employers. This content is only available in Portuguese. The interview can be seen here.

Partners stand out in the Who’s Who Legal 2021 ranking

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The partners of Mello Torres stood out in the Who’s Who Legal 2021 ranking. Bruno Sartori was ranked in the Pension & Benefits category, Carlos José Rolim de Mello in M&A and Luis Antonio Semeghini de Souza in Project Finance. Congratulations to all of you!

Justice grants overtime to home office workers

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Matheus Cantarella Vieira, head of our Labor and Employment, was interviewed by the magazine Você RH to comment about a decision from the 2nd Labor Court of Juiz de Fora (MG) in which was granted overtime to a bank’s employee that executed labor activities outside her workplace. The full article can be read here (This… Read more »