Júlia Schledorn
de Camargo

Professional Experience

She has been practicing Law for over 20 years in strategic litigation, pre-litigation matters and arbitration. Her activities are focused on contracts, torts, intellectual property, judicial restructuring and bankruptcy, consumer law, environmental law, corporate, regulatory and public law, competition law, and banking.

Júlia Schledorn De Camargo

Practice Areas

Litigation and Arbitration


Júlia graduated as a Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC-SP. She also holds a LL.M. – master’s Degree in civil procedure Law – from Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC-SP and is a specialist in arbitration from GVLaw, civil procedure law from COGEAE/PUC-SP, contracts from CEU. Júlia was an assistant professor in graduation and post-graduation courses (civil and civil procedure Law and arbitration and mediation) at Pontifical Catholic University of São.


Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), AASP and CBAR.


Co-author “Arbitration – Studies on Law no 13.129, 05-26-2015” – Editora Saraiva, 2016. LLM’s Thesis: “The influence in arbitration of persuasive  and binding precedent of the Brazilian Superior Courts”. Review of the book: “The arbitration in the general theory of the process”, by Candido Rangel Dinamarco. The interpretation divergence within the same Court – Comparative analysis of the common law and the solution  n Brazilian law” – RBDPRO, 20, n. 79, Jul-Sep/2012. “The appeals in the Superior Courts” – Gazeta Mercantil – 12.27.2004. Speaker at “Consumer Law” course organized by ADPO in March 2005.