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On February 22, 2022, the Commission of Economic Matters of the Brazilian Senate approved a bill of law proposed by Senator Flavio Arns to regulate Virtual Assets (VAs) and Virtual Assets Service Providers (VASPs) in Brazil. The bill of law should be submitted to the lower house for consideration and voting. The bill of law… Read more »

PIS and Cofins credit on LGDP expenses

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Law No. 13,709 of 2018, known as the General Data Protection Law ("LGPD"), in order to protect fundamental rights, promoted changes in the processing of personal data in Brazil, establishing standards that must be respected by public and private entities. In order to ensure this protection, the companies that handle and store the data have… Read more »

Administrative sanctions for violations of the LGPD come into force

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Since August 1st, 2021, Articles 52, 53 and 54 of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”), which establish administrative sanctions for violations to the Law, are enforceable. In accordance with Article 52, the following sanctions are provided: warning, with indication of a term for adoption of corrective measures; fine of up to two percent… Read more »

Legal-procedural Business

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In a recent decision handed down in Special Appeal No. 1.810.444, reported by Minister Luis Felipe Salomão, the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court stablished boundaries to the legal-procedural business validity foreseen in Article 190 of the Code of Civil Procedure, which allows the adequacy to specific procedural situatons or to aspects of the procedure prior to or during proceedings. This content is only available… Read more »

Chambers Corporate Governance 2021 Brazil

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The Chambers Corporate Governance 2021 Global Practice Guide is now available, covering 28 jurisdictions. Carlos José Rolim de Mello, Roberto Panucci and Pedro Paulo Barbosa, respectively partner and associates of Mello Torres are the authors of the Brazilian Chapter of the guide, focusing on decision-making processes; board structure and composition; legal duties of directors/officers; the… Read more »