Ana Carolina
Araujo de França

Professional Experience

Ana França has been working for more than 10 years counseling and advising, domestic and international companies operating in or planning to operate in Brazil and private equity funds, especially in the areas of taxes and social security contributions, including tax litigation, tax consultancy, tax planning and tax compliance.

Ms. França has been in contact with foreign  clients during a large number of transactions in several different industries, such as oil & gas, telecom, engineering, retail, and mining, among others.

Ana Carolina Araujo De França

Practice Areas



Law Degree from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP).

Accounting Degree from Trevisan Escola de Negócios.

Postgraduation degree in Tax Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).

Bachelor of Business Administration from EU Business School.


Member of Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) and of Federal Accounting Council (CFC).